I saw this tag on the blog of the two beauties Maryam and Tanji and decided to do it.

I was'nt even tagged but I thought I would like to do a tag, so this is my first tag in English.

1. Which Product do you keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?
 It has to be palettes I guess. Eyeshadow palettes are just my weakness when it Comes to make up.
2. What’s the one product you can’t live without?
Concealer. I just have to cover up some blemishes and I couldn't live without it.
3.Favourite Makeup Brand?
Currently it's the balm but when it Comes to lipsticks or lipliners there ain't no better than MAC in my opinion.
4. How big is your makeup collection?
Not as big as I want it to be if I’m honest, but almost everything I have got are high-end products, that's why my collection is not that big.
5. And how do you store it?
Currently I try to find out where I could store it. I just store it in a box right now.
6. How many items of makeup have you got in your handbag at the moment?
Not that much tbh nearly nothing. Just some lipproducts like lipliner, lipstick and Lipgloss.
7. If you could raid another blogger’s stash, who would it be?
I think Maryam and Tanji from the beauteabible. Love their stuff.
8. How long does your usual makeup routine take and how many products do you use?
It takes like 15 to 20 minutes and I use 6/7 products.
9. Have you ever bought makeup knowing your wouldn’t use it?
Not really tbh I am carefull when it Comes to spending my Money on Makeup.
10. Tag a few other makeup addicts to do this tag!
Everyone who is reading this is tagged.